Monday School

Adult Religious Education

Learning about the Orthodox Faith is a lifelong endeavor. Monday School (for the grownups) is designed to be an introduction to our common life in Christ through study of the Holy Scriptures and the Tradition of the Church. The themes change with each season, and each separate class is intended to stand alone. The class is open to anyone who is interested in learning and is informal in tone: participants are welcome to come and go as they like and are encouraged to participate actively. Attendance at these classes is highly encouraged for inquirers and those preparing for their reception into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Greek Dance Troupe

Each week we gather together and share the joy of Greek dance. We learn dances from all regions of Greece.  New members of all skill levels are always welcomes and encouraged to attend. Open to adult members or our community.



Dear Holy Trinity Family,

Since my last letter, our chapter remains busy and involved in many meaningful activities. From November 1, 2024, to January 15, 2025, our chapter participated in the Archdiocesan District’s Diapers and Baby Blankets Drive to benefit the Floating Hospital, an organization serving as a healthcare safety net to nearly 27,000 children and adults annually. Through our efforts we raised more than $700 for this worthy cause. Many thanks to all who donated.

On December 12, our chapter held its annual Candlelight Dinner. I am delighted to share with you that this important fundraiser was a huge success, raising almost $20,000 in net profit! Two hundred and twenty-three attendees enjoyed a delicious dinner prepared by our own chef Manny Louros in our beautiful church social hall adorned in red and green. Everyone was delighted to honor Serene Romas, a past president of our Philoptochos chapter, in recognition of her many years of dedicated service to our chapter and our parish community. We had a festive holiday boutique, many fabulous raffle prizes, and a super raffle prize of a reversible fur/raincoat, donated by this year’s honoree. Thank you to all who supported our chapter by attending. Many thanks to all who worked hard to make this event the beautiful evening it was.

After liturgy on December 15, our chapter held its annual Hats, Gloves, and Scarves for the Homeless Sale. Members of our community had the opportunity to purchase a set of these warm accessories. These sets were then distributed to our friends in need at the December Soup Run. Sales of these sets totaled $930, the proceeds of which will be used to benefit all our Outreach Ministries. Thanks to those who purchased the sets. Many of these items were handmade by our own Knitting Group. Thank you to all who contributed their crafting talents to create these beautiful items and a special thank you to George Kourakos who instructed incarcerated women at a facility in Valhalla, who likewise contributed items to this sale!

On January 26, our first General Membership Meeting of the year was held following the liturgy to discuss the Proposed Budget for 2025. Our treasurer, Angie Lambros, presented a well-prepared report. Following a discussion and a question-and-answer exchange, our members voted to pass the Proposed Budget.

Presently ongoing is our Membership Drive. We seek to expand our membership and its multigenerational composition. Please renew your membership or join. Look in your mail for membership details and/or stop by the Philoptochos table at coffee hour to speak to any of the membership co-chairwomen for more information.

The annual Presanctified Divine Liturgy dedicated to our chapter will take place on Wednesday March 19. Preparations already are underway for our Easter Market, where you may buy delicious Lenten and Paschal foods. Proceeds from this important fundraiser support our philanthropic endeavors. Stay tuned for more information about both these events.

Our Philoptochos chapter provides many ways to get involved. Once a month, volunteers at the Carver Center assist food-insecure persons in Port Chester. Volunteers provide a meal for HOPE Community Services of New Rochelle several times a year. Our Philoptochos chapter sponsors the weekly Community Food Drive. Volunteers make sandwiches that are delivered to the Grace Episcopal Church in White Plains and distributed to those in need there. Also, once a month, volunteers prepare and deliver a meal that feeds about 60 friends at the Oasis Shelter in New Rochelle. Through our Soup Run we provide a meal and various sundry items to the homeless in Manhattan. Members of our Prison Ministry have started monthly Saturday morning visits to a correctional facility in Bedford to conduct spiritual classes there. Members of our Saint Michael’s Ministry have visited there three times since September. On February 9 th The Michael Zoulis Trio joined the fun providing lively Greek music for both residents and volunteers to enjoy. There was so much singing and dancing! Finally, since September, the Knitting for Charity group and our Book Club have met several times. Visit our Church’s website at or stop by our Philoptochos bulletin board in the Church foyer for information about what dates are available for you to participate in any of the Outreach Ministries and for further information about these ministries, clubs, and other forthcoming events.

Finally, remember our chapter is connected. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram where you can see photos, read about our ministries, clubs and events, and see what we do together to make the world better.

With gratitude and love,

Agathy Gerkis

Philoptochos Chapter President

avloula@gmail.comNo Facebook? No problem!

You can scroll through recent posts below:



  • Help someone in need
  • Get involved in your community
  • Make an impact
  • Change someone’s life
  • Meet new people
  • Share your skills and expertise
  • Gain knowledge
  • Network
  • Be part of a philanthropic movement

Established in 1931, the National Ladies Philoptochos Society is the philanthropic heart of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.


All women of Holy Trinity are highly encouraged to consider membership in this vital group. Holy Trinity Philoptochos has over 190 members and continues to grow! Through leadership, effective national and local action, fund development and 'hands on' outreach the Philoptochos:

  • Provides aid and support to the poor, the hungry, the sick, victims of disasters and all those who may need our help – locally, nationally, and throughout the world
  • Promotes community awareness through instructional programs, presentations, seminars, and other educational resources
  • Preserves and carries on the Orthodox Faith and its traditions for our children and grandchildren
  • Works together with the Fr. Nick, the Parish Council, and all members and organizations of our parish to promote participation and community spirit


The National Philoptochos Ministry has over 27,500 members and 480 Chapters across the United States.

National Ladies Philoptochos website
National Philoptochos Blog
National Philoptochos Facebook Page

Ladies Philoptochos
Chapter Officers

Agathy Gerkis

Andrea Nicholas

Angie Lambros

Maria Valliades

Kathy Tzortzides

Elizabeth Zoulis


Felicia Faia
Anna Damianides
Maria Fotiadis
Despina Kartson
Eirinni Copulos
Melissa Lootens
Stephanie Madouros
Constance Mavrovitis
Tina Pantginis
Margaret Papademetriou
Serene Romas
Marina Sirras


Online Adult Classes

Learn Greek or practice your Greek!

Now you can!

Our Greek school offers online adult classes in various levels, from beginners to advanced, and also a discussion group for advanced speakers on Saturdays. So, now you can build a foundation of fundamental Greek vocabulary and essential language structure. Develop Greek language skills to enjoy social interactions, from greetings and introductions to dining out, shopping, traveling, sharing ideas and opinions, and much more.

Learn Greek or just refresh your Greek from our highly-credited adult language specialists!

Pick your level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Discussion
Course Tuition for adults: $400.00 (cost of books is extra)

For more information about the Adult Greek Language Program, please call (914) 235-6100 or email us at

To register for the Fall 2023 Semester.

Please return the completed registration form to the church office.

Greek Youth Orchestra

The Westchester County Greek Youth Orchestra gathers talented young musicians in the Greek Orthodox community. Together we explore different genres of music such as Greek, Classical, Broadway and Film music. This is a great opportunity to showcase the musical talent of the younger members of the community, and for them to share this talent with the community as a whole through performances during holidays and special occasions. 


Youth Greek Afternoon School


Follow us on Social Media

Facebook & Instagram


At our Greek afternoon school, we are devoted to developing literacy and fluency in the Greek language, as well as knowledge and understanding of Greek culture and traditions. Our comprehensive curriculum includes conversational and written Greek, as well as lessons in Greek history, geography, culture, and religion.

In addition to our academic instruction, we believe in the importance of celebrating Greek heritage through cultural events and festive occasions. Our students have the opportunity to showcase their talents by participating in lively performances where they dance, sing, and recite poems. These events are dedicated to honoring Greek national holidays and customs, creating a vibrant atmosphere that brings our community together and strengthens our cultural connections.

Through these enriching experiences, our students not only develop language skills but also cultivate a deep appreciation for their Greek roots. We take pride in nurturing the next generation of Greek language speakers who are knowledgeable about Greek traditions and proud bearers of our cultural heritage.

A Welcome Message


Dear Parents and Community members,

Our Greek School curriculum builds reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, teaches the origins of our Greek traditions and customs, and includes topics on Greek geography, mythology and history. The students - depending on their grade – study about the geography of Greece, ancient Greek civilizations (Cycladic, Minoan, Mycenaean, Golden age of Athens, Macedonian state and Alexander the Great), ancient Greek Mythology (Greek Gods and heroes, like Hercules & Theseus), the ancient Greek poet Homer and his poems (Iliad and Odyssey), the ancient Greek Olympic games and about famous Greek poets, writers and actors of our times. They are also taught songs and prayers depending on holidays and seasons. Our goal besides of course teaching the Greek language is to foster a strong love and respect for the Greek culture, religion, and arts – a sense of pride for our Hellenic heritage.

All our teachers have many years of teaching experience and teaching is their primary occupation. They have attended long term seminars about the teaching of Greek as a second language and most of them were born and raised in Greece and have attended Greek Universities. Also, our school is equipped with smartboards for grades 4th and up, which our teachers use in order to incorporate online activities, games, quizzes, songs and videos in their lessons.

Our Greek school operates twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 5:00-6.30pm. On Tuesdays our program includes Greek dance instruction with a certified Greek dance teacher, so our students have the opportunity to learn and enjoy our traditional Greek dances.

The teachers and I are looking forward to working with you to provide a successful school year filled with learning, cultural and spiritual growth, and community building for our Greek school.

We thank you all for your continued support and prayers these challenging times.

Georgia Konstantinou
Greek School Principal

Experienced Greek language teachers make our program thrive!

To register for the 2024-2025 school year
Please return the completed registration and payment forms to the church office.

Greek School PTA


Remember, we are all working together for “our most precious gifts”...our children!

The Greek School is devoted to developing literacy and fluency in the Greek Language and to cultivating knowledge and understanding of Greek cultures and traditions. The PTA’s role is to enhance and support the Greek School’s mission by providing the resources needed by our educators to attain the highest level of academic excellence while promoting communication between our school administration, teachers and parents. In order to achieve these goals, we will continue to introduce new ideas and goals, organize cultural events and fundraisers, while also maintaining many of the traditions passed down to us from our prior PTA board.

We would like to thank all of the Greek School families for their contributions to this past year’s events. We are now in the process of working out this year’s program in the hope of surpassing last year’s success. We are truly fortunate to have support from our wonderful Greek School Director, Georgia Konstantinou, along with our most-loved and respected Fr. Nick, Fr. Demetrios, and our terrific Greek School Teachers, and the Holy Trinity Church Board and Community. Remember, we are all working together for “our most precious gifts” …our children!

To enable the Greek School to begin operations on solid footing, we are collecting $30.00 per family which are the PTA dues for the 2024/25 school year. We have two General Assembly meetings this year that we encourage all parents to attend and participate in. In order to have the right to vote, you must be an active PTA member. Kindly fill out the information and membership form below and have a cash payment, check made payable to “Holy Trinity Greek School PTA”, or Zelle payment to as you register your children to Greek School this year. It will make the start to the school year run smoothly!  We thank you for your continued support and look forward to a productive and rewarding year on behalf of all the Greek  School children.

Sincerely Yours,

The Executive Committee, Holy Trinity Greek School PTA

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to a productive and rewarding year. 


Christina Kotsamanidis

Vice President
Stephanie Resvanis

Dimitra Ari

Recording Secretary
Vicky Gliatis

Corresponding Secretary
Barbara Kotsamanidis

Board Members
Stephanie Rentoulis Thalia Comninellis
Alexandra Karpathios

Book Group

There are no rules, no requirements,
no homework.

You can read the book or not.
Come and enjoy a pleasant evening of stimulating conversation.

The Philoptochos Book Group meets once a month
to discuss a chosen book.

Bring the power of reading into your life by joining us for
lively discussions and delectable refreshments.
All are welcome!



James Plevritis - Joe Keane Evzone Chapter # 405

Today’s AHEPA is an extended family bound by a passion for education, and a dedication to community service, philanthropy, and individual excellence.

Although a majority of the membership is composed of Americans of Greek descent, application for membership is open to all men who believe in the mission of the organization.

AHEPA was founded on July 26, 1922 in response to the evils of bigotry and racism that emerged in early 20th century American society.  It also helped Greek immigrants assimilate into society.

Today, AHEPA brings the ideals of ancient Greece, which includes philanthropy, education, civic responsibility, and family and individual excellence to the community.


President: Harry A. Fotiadis
VP Membership: John Copulos
Secretary: Jon Kohilakis
Treasurer: Nick Kinas
Scholarship Chairman: Joseph C. Keane
Athletic Director: Costa Papademetriou
Public Relations Director: James Zafiros
Chaplain: Fr. Nick Anctil
Sentinel: Major John Daskos
Chef in residence: Manny Louros
Hellenism Directors: Peter Constantinides; Elias Pantelaros

The James Plevritis - Joe Keane Chapter is proud to offer an academic scholarship each year for graduating high school seniors.