Vasilopita (St. Basil’s Bread) | Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Sunday Services: Orthros - 9 AM, Divine Liturgy - 10 AM

Vasilopita (St. Basil’s Bread)

Vasilopita (St. Basil's Bread) cutting is maybe one of our Greek Orthodox Church's most beautiful and inspirational traditions and customs. Vasilopita is a Greek compound word that means "St. Basil's Bread."

Every year on January 1st, Greeks all over the world commemorate a centuries-old practice of cutting a special "pita" (a loaf of bread, a cake, or even a pie in certain parts of Greece) in honor of Saint Basil the Great.

Yesterday, our Greek School students got the opportunity to learn everything about this lovely tradition and its link to Saint Basil the Great.

Many thanks to our wonderful Greek School PTA for providing a Vasilopita for each class so that our students can participate in the festivities.

Enjoy some pictures from our classes!


Pictures from our classes