Stewardship - Your Own, of Your Own
“Your Own from Your Own,” from the Divine Liturgy - as we offer back to God that which He has given us. He receives our humble offering of bread and wine and returns them to us as His Body and Blood in Holy Communion.
How much should I give?
The Holy Trinity Stewardship Program was established to cover the operating expenses of our church. Your pledge is what you decide it to be, however operation of a healthy Orthodox parish requires an average of $20 per family per week. We therefore ask it to be the goal of each parishioner to give a portion of their blessings to help keep our community going.
While each pledge helps us reach our goal, please recognize that this sacrifice is larger for some than others; so if you have been so blessed, please consider offering more. It takes all of us offering our "fair share" to continue the ministries of the Church.
+ How do I Pledge?
You can pledge online. You can also download and complete the pledge card, and then return it to the main office in person or send it via mail.
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
10 Mill Road
New Rochelle, NY 10804
+ Should I increase my pledge from the previous year?
Each family's circumstance is different. If it is feasible for your family, we ask that you consider the following:
Determine what you gave last year; then increase that amount by an average of $20 per month. This $20 monthly increase may be a small sacrifice for your family, however it will make a significant difference in the life of our church. Youth, education, and outreach ministries could expand greatly.
+ Can I pay my stewardship over a period of time throughout the giving cycle?
Yes. In fact, weekly or monthly offerings are suggested because it is easier to manage small, regular contributions rather than large accumulated amounts. It is also easier for the Parish to plan its budget if the income is regular throughout the year.
Please note: The easiest way to accomplish this is to set up recurring payments when you offer your pledge online.
+ Who is included in my membership?
The Stewardship pledge includes husband, wife, children and all dependents. Family membership allows each Orthodox spouse voting privileges in parish matters.
Please note: Children who who live with their parents/guardians and meet the following criteria must make their own pledge and maintain their own membership:
- College students who are 23 years and older
- Self-supporting children who are 18 years and older
+ What will my pledge cover?
Your Stewardship pledge will cover your annual Parish Membership commitment. It does not cover special offerings or contributions to projects such as the Building Fund.
+ What is the Stewardship giving cycle?
Our Stewardship Program for the next calendar year will begin during the month of December.
At that time, all our members will be invited to pledge their "fair share" in support of our church for the upcoming calendar year. Payments toward the pledges will begin in January.
+ Do I have to disclose my income?
Absolutely not!
+ How confidential is my stewardship pledge?
Only persons authorized by the Parish Council have access to the Stewardship records. All records are kept in the strictest confidence.
+ What if after I make my pledge, sickness, or loss of job, or another misfortune occurs?
Your pledge is not a contract. A parishioner may at any time make a private phone call or write a confidential letter to the Parish Priest to lower or discontinue their pledge until circumstances allow the original pledge to resume.
+ What if I do not meet my pledge?
In order to maintain an active membership in Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, pledges made should be paid in full by the end of the Stewardship giving cycle.
However, parishioners with difficult circumstances may at any time privately contact the Parish Priest to lower or discontinue their pledge until circumstances allow them to resume their original pledge.
+ What does the Bible say about Stewardship?
Give without show
"Let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing." (Matt.6:3)
Give with regularity in proportion
"Upon the first day of the week let everyone of you lay by him in store, as God has prospered him." (I Cor. 16:2)
Give liberally
"He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." (II Cor. 9:6)
Give cheerfully
"Let everyone give as his heart tells him, neither grudgingly, nor under compulsion, for God loves the man that gives cheerfully." (II Cor. 9:7)