We have been blessed with much, and understand it as our duty to share these blessings.
The faithful of Holy Trinity engage in several "ministries," both within and without the confines of our worship. Ministry is the calling of all Christians, clergy and laity, in and out of Church services. Below are the different ways this call to ministry is realized in our community.
At one crucial moment of the Divine Liturgy Eucharist service, the priest lifting the bread and wine which are about to be consecrated:
"Your own, of your own, we offer to you on behalf of all, and for all."
In that moment, the priest is expressing the faith of the Church, that our best offerings of wine and bread, of prayers and hymns, of gathered corporate worship - all of these and more are the result of taking what we have been given, and turning it back to God in thanksgiving and praise. This mindset fills our life as Orthodox Christians, and spills far beyond the walls of our parish church.