Sunday School | Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Sunday Services: Orthros - 9 AM, Divine Liturgy - 10 AM

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered from nursery/preschool through 12th grade.

Children are eligible to enroll in the program if they have had their third birthday by December 15 of the current year, and are potty trained.


Please complete and submit the registration form to the church office on or before September 29, 2024

You can complete it online, or download and hand it in to the church office.



Minimum age for enrollment is 3 years and will be placed in our Pre-K class. Children must be 3 by December 15th and potty trained. Classes are set up according to grade levels in Public School.


The Sunday School year begins September 29, 2024 and goes to June 21, 2025.


An attendance recognition is given out each year to those children who do not miss more than 3 Sundays during the Sunday School year. When a child attends another Orthodox Church for service, he/she must bring a note from the Church School (or copy of the bulletin) indicating their attendance. Each student is expected to attend classes every Sunday. (Illness is not an excused absence)


Student Assistants are selected by Fr. Nick and must be High School Seniors, registered in the Sunday School Program, provided there is an open position. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Altar Boys

Any Sunday school student 10 yrs or older, wishing to serve as an Altar Boy must contact Fr. Nick or Fr. Demetrios. They must also be registered in the Sunday School Program.


Sunday School begins 10:00 am SHARP. Students and Teachers, excluding Pre-K & Kindergarten classes, must be in Church by 10:45, the latest. The Divine Liturgy ends at 11:30 am. Any child arriving after 10:10 am will be marked “tardy”. Four (4) tardiness’ will constitute an absence. Pre-K & Kindergarten Teachers and Students only begin their classes in their rooms. ALL other grades begin in Liturgy and proceed with their class to their room after the gospel lesson and “children’s” sermon.

Each grade will attend the full Divine Liturgy once a month according to the following schedule:

1st Sunday of the Month: 1st, 2nd Grades
2nd Sunday of the Month: 3rd, 4th, HS Grades
3rd Sunday of the Month: 5th & 6th Grades
4th Sunday of the Month: 7th & 8th Grades
5th Sunday of the Month: HS 9-12th Grades   


The children to pay a nominal registration fee of:

1 child        $ 30
2 children   $ 50
3 children   $ 60
4 children   $ 70

and make weekly offerings. These contributions help pay a small portion of our Sunday School budget and most importantly, cultivate the Christian idea of Stewardship to the children.