Happy New Year! Kali Chronia!
We send our best wishes and hope your families are well.
As we welcome 2023, it is time to renew your Philoptochos membership or join as a new member of our chapter. You can support with active participation and/or stewardship.
For your convenience you may pay online with this link - a mailing will be going out shortly, too. Please check off any interests if you’d like to know more about our diverse missions.
Our vibrant chapter’s charitable works address needs in our community and
beyond. Please support our important Philoptochos mission. With your help, we are confident our good works will continue to flourish. We look forward to serving together.
Pay your dues by the end of February and enter the drawing for an Etsy gift card!
Yours faithfully,
Elizabeth Zoulis
Chapter President
Membership Committee
Tina Pantginis
Eirinni Copulos
Maria Fotiadis
Maria Kohilakis
Elli Modroukas