Last Night's Soup Run
by Despina Kartson
Hot meals, clothing, shoes and toiletries were distributed in record time to the more than 100 guests we served on 33rd Street in Manhattan during last night's soup run. We arrived at our location to be greeted by a long line of people who had been patiently waiting for us for nearly an hour. Lemon chicken, rice and vegetables along with snacks, fruit, coffee and the ever-popular hot chocolate with whipped cream were on the menu.
Our bins were overflowing with coats and other clothing and it seemed as if it took only 30 minutes to give away all that we had. Volunteers also provided underwear, socks and several bins of men's shoes and sneakers - every single item was accepted with sincere appreciation.
The evening was lively and busy, with many volunteers giving out food, listening to and talking with our guests. We were particularly touched by Collette, an elderly woman from Brooklyn. She was introduced to us by a formerly homeless guest who now serves with us every month. Collette quietly told us that she has an apartment but has no furniture and has been sleeping on the floor for months. She asked if we have any furniture, particularly a bed, that we could give her. We promised to bring her an air mattress, pillow and linens next month. Asking Collette to hang in there and sleep on the floor for another month was a difficult conversation but she is appreciative and happy to know that we will be there for her next month.
As our monthly outreach continues to grow, we were honored to be joined last night by Philoptochos members from The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church (NYC), parishioners from St. George Greek Orthodox Church (NYC) and business colleagues of our volunteers. A special group of parishioners and the minister of New Bethel Way of the Cross Church (Harlem) brought numerous purses and backpacks filled with toiletry items earmarked specifically for our women guests. The generously filled bags were assembled during the church's "Purses for a Purpose" drive and they were so very much appreciated by the women.
Thank you to the many in our community and beyond who so generously support, through their actions and their offerings, the mission of the Soup Run. This month's outreach was made possible by:
Claud Karram for sponsoring
Manny Louros and Zachary Karounos for preparing the meals
Minos Samoladas for his donation which enables us to purchase much-needed socks and underwear
Denise Bendo for supporting the Blue Door Thrift shop in Mt.Vernon, and purchasing several large bags of clothing
Phoebe Malles of Lippe Taylor Integrated Marketing Communications Agency for hundreds of women’s toiletry items
The Philoptochos of Annunciation, New York City for their donation of socks and men's underwear
The parishioners from New Bethel Way of the Cross Church in Harlem for purse donations from their "Purses for a Purpose" drive
Irene Drivas tote bags and clothing
John Dos Santos and Charles Calomiris for bins of men's shoes
Constance and Georgeann Mavrovitis and Cynthia Herzegovitch for organizing the clothing and toiletries
The Philoptochos and the Holy Trinity, New Rochelle, community
Please join us next month on April 18th (schedule change due to Easter). All are welcome and donations of seasonal clothing, tote bags, socks and underwear are appreciated.
The Holy Trinity Philoptochos bids farewell to Kathy Baeff
The Holy Trinity Philoptochos bids farewell to Kathy Baeff and thanks her for years of generous service and dedication to the community. May God Bless her on her journey to be closer to her family.
Congratulations to the 2019 CEOBL Junior Varsity Champions!
Congratulations to the 2019 CEOBL Junior Varsity Champions! Holy Trinity New Rochelle defeated Waterbury in the championship game on March 9th and were acknowledged along with their coaches, Dean Curtis and Jimmy Resvanis, in Bridgeport yesterday at the league’s All Star Game. Luke Curtis and Johnny Papademetriou were awarded all stars for HTNR and Ari Bournazos was recognized as the league’s MVP, what an honor! A special day for a great group of kids! Special thank you to the coaches Jimmy and Dean who led the team to victory and to the parents who always lend a hand when needed.
Missing from the photo: Eliana Kaufmann, Andreas Mulder, and Harry Russon
JV Team:
George Benekos
Ari Bournazos
Chris Costakos
Luke Curtis
Daniel Damascus
Eliana Kaufmann
Evan Kaufmann
Jacob Kaufmann
Andreas Mulder
Johnny Papademetriou
Alexander Resvanis
Harry Russon
Vespers were held at the Church of The Annunciation
Vespers were held at the Church of The Annunciation in Manhattan for tomorrow’s double feast - Annunciation of the Virgin Mary and the 198th anniversary of Greek Independence.
Four Holy Trinity Boy Scouts became Eagle Scouts
Four Holy Trinity Boy Scouts became Eagle Scouts this afternoon at a Court of Honor held in the church. They are Michael Dallaris, Nikolas Diakolios, Alexandros Kerwick and Alexander Karras. Congratulations to all!
Holy Trinity Greek School presented its annual March 25th Program
Holy Trinity Greek School presented its annual March 25th Program - in celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation and Greek Independence Day.